The dentists at Millennium Dental Mosman can help your oral and general health in many ways
Here at our Mosman dental practice we recommend that you visit us every 6 months. This is not for our benefit, but yours, as this regular appointment will allow us to identify problems before they begin to cause a problem for your smile and dental health. While you may think you have healthy teeth it’s important to know that a white and straight smile does not necessarily mean a healthy one. Cavities, gum disease and decay are all difficult to spot unless you are trained to do so. This is why it’s important that you visit Dr Rosenberg or Dr Laubscher at Millennium Dental Mosman in Mosman.
There are eight main ways that your dentist can help you, and today we’re going to talk you through each individual way.
1. They know how to identify decay and cavities
Dentists are professionally trained to identify teeth problems and complications that can affect your whole mouth. Many people do not notice that they have cavities as they do not always cause pain during early development. Catching them in this early stage can enable one of our dentists to apply a fissure sealant which does not require anaesthetic. If your tooth is left to decay this can require a filling or possibly even a root canal. Make sure you don’t have cavities by booking a general dental appointment on 02 9969 5572.
2. They can explain complicating conditions
If you do not understand what options are available to you for a problem you might have, or if you have received confusing dental information in the past please ask our friendly staff for further assistance. We are always happy to discuss your treatments with you so that you fully understand and can make an informed decision.
3. You can find out more about your smile
You may be unaware that you have an overbite or you may not know that your wisdom teeth are growing incorrectly. We have a range of technologies including x-rays and virtual scanning technology which can tell us more about your smile.
4. They can prevent problems before they occur
Your dentist will notice any serious problems in their early stages. This will enable us to treat problems while they are still treatable and preventable. For instance we can take an x-ray of your wisdom teeth during your general dental check-up and let you know if your teeth are growing impacted. This will save your other teeth from pain and possibly even extraction.
5. They can make your teeth look better
Millennium Dental Mosman offers teeth whitening and Invisalign to whiten and straighten your teeth. This can improve your overall appearance, especially when paired with dental cosmetic injectables that we offer.
6. They can enable you to keep your teeth
Despite being solid structures your teeth are not resilient to everything. Your enamel can break down over the years and leave your teeth susceptible to damage which can result in extraction. Here at Millennium Dental Mosman it is our mission to enable you to keep your teeth for life. By booking a dental check-up every six months you will give your smile a better chance of survival.
7. They can keep your child’s teeth healthy as well as your own
Not only do we offer adult dental appointments, we also provide children dental appointments at our Mosman dental practice. We will always aim to keep our appointments fun and engaging for both you and your children.
8. They can prevent oral cancer and gum disease
By identifying symptoms of gum disease and oral cancer early we can protect your overall health. Oral cancer can be fatal, and periodontitis can also lead to many complications which can also be fatal. This is why it is so crucial for you to visit our Mosman dental practice every six months. We will be able to identify lesions that could potentially be oral cancer and prevent gum disease by removing tartar from your smile and treating decay.
We hope that these 8 reasons have inspired you to book your next dental appointment, especially if it has been over a year. Please book a general dental check-up at our Mosman dental practice on 02 9969 5572. Or you can enquire online.